Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Cutest Love Story of All Time

I think one of the cutest love stories I've seen in a movie, had to be from UP. Carl and Ellie had such a cute relationship and it was such a tear jerker. One of the iconic scenes in that movie was Carl flying away in his house, using lots of balloons, on his great adventure. I found a pin on Pinterest showing a design that was made by someone, of the house with balloons, flying away in the sky. It didn't give any details of how it was made or anything so I don't know who to credit for the idea exactly, but it sure was a cute one. I decided to try to make it myself.

In order to do that, I had to go on a mission to find A LOT of round, colorful buttons, close to the same size. I used coupons at Joanns and eBay to find the right ones. The amount of buttons needed, depends on how you like it and what size you want to make it. I think I used 80 buttons, in 3 layers, piled on top of one another.

Now in order to make these look like balloons, I had to get some string and put it through the holes of the buttons and bunch them all together at the end, so when laying in a big pile, on top of each other, they gave the illusion of balloons.

I bought a 12x12 canvas and painted it sky blue and cut out some white clouds to add around the balloon to really make it look like it was flying. Now, I'm not the greatest artist so attempting to make an exact replica of the UP house, by hand, wouldn't be possible so I found a coloring book copy of it and shrunk it down to the size I needed, printed it out and colored it based on how the original house looked. Now, if you weren't making this for a special someone and wanted to use it more for a kid's bedroom or something, you can skip this next part. I found a picture of the two of us and shrunk it down and turned it black and white so it'd fit inside the house and stand out against all the colors. I also found a quote from the movie that would go well with the reasoning behind why I was making this. "You'll always be my greatest adventure."

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