We all have our bad days and sometimes we just want to be with that
special someone. With long distance, we don't get that opportunity very
often. I gave some thought into what would put a smile on someone's face
if they were just having one of those days. Who doesn't like getting a
little letter from that special someone?
I found the idea off of Pinterest and I took a few different ideas from people and combined them together to make my own, what I think would work best for my guy and the situation that we were in.
The hardest part for me, was coming up with ideas for the 'open when...' Here's a list of some that I came up with and chose from there:
Open when....
you miss me
you're sad
you need a laugh
you need a boost
you're having a bad day
you're sick
you feel the distance is too much
you're thinking about us
you're mad
you feel like giving up
first to open (one describing the thought behind the letters)
you're nervous
when you want to know when I started falling in love with you
it's your birthday
you feel lost
it's Halloween
you feel unloved
you pick me up from the airport
From there, I decided which ones I wanted to use and wrote a little pick me up on a notecard to put in that envelope |
I went to Joanns and bought some fancy paper, lucky for me they were on sale at the time 6/$1. I got a wide variety, trying to find patterns that matched some of the moods of my writing. I found an envelope template online and made a pattern for it so I could' cut it out of all the different patterned paper, leaving the white sides for the outside of the envelopes so I could write on them and have them look like actual mail.
I found little quotes, funny pictures and pictures of myself or of us and printed them out, cut them up and sorted them to go with each day.
I even found this cute print of a love stamp that I copied and shrunk to look like a postal stamp for each envelope.
Once I had everything written out and cut out, I sorted everything, made sure he would see the correct stuff on the correct day and got them ready to seal.
I wanted to get fancy with the envelopes so I bought some sealing wax with a heart print stamp on eBay.
When the envelopes were all done and ready to go, I bought a little wooden treasure box and put them in it and sent them off in the mail.
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