Monday, November 16, 2015

A Little Update..

I know I haven't been able to post any blogs in awhile and I'm way behind, especially on all my holiday crafts, but I am starting to catch up. At least I'm trying as I'm beginning to work on my Christmas decorations. In the past few months, I've been traveling a lot, seeing the world as much as I can, while I'm still young, with the love of my life.

I've also learned some sad news about my dog. She turned 12 back in October and we found out that she has cancer, lymphoma to be exact, so we know we don't have a whole lot of time left with her, unless we get a miracle. Just have to keep positive and spend as much time as possible with her. She's still a ball of energy, so it's a good sign.

The end of the year is a busy time, with the holidays, getting the house ready for each one and all the cooking and baking. I have so many ideas and spinoffs of things I've found online or have learned from someone, that I can't wait to share with all my readers, so I will make sure I start finding more time to get them written out, hopefully in time for the holidays.